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Create the Right LinkedIn Content (FREE WORKSHOP)


Struggling to crack the LinkedIn code? You're not alone! Join us for an exclusive workshop led by Joe Szynkowski, a seasoned local content strategist and owner of The UpWrite Group.


LinkedIn is a must for business growth. But figuring out what content works can feel like a puzzle. Joe will demystify the process, showing you how to create LinkedIn content that speaks directly to your audience and achieves your business goals.


From finding your unique voice to leveraging LinkedIn's features, Joe will guide you through crafting content that engages, builds relationships, and drives results.


Whether you're a marketing pro or just starting out, this course equips you with the strategies and tools needed to thrive on LinkedIn.

February 28

The Work Happy Happy Hour

March 14

Lunch & Learn: The EQ Advantage: Boosting Emotional Intelligence in Business (FREE WORKSHOP)